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Kodaly Puppets

  • Kodaly Puppets: Singing sol-fa puppets
Create your own puppet choir with these fun and colorful paper bag puppets!
Kodaly / Curwen hand signs
  • Kodaly Puppets: Singing sol-fa puppets
Create your own puppet choir with these fun and colorful paper bag puppets!
Kodaly / Curwen hand signs
  • Kodaly Puppets: Singing sol-fa puppets
Create your own puppet choir with these fun and colorful paper bag puppets!
Kodaly / Curwen hand signs
  • Kodaly Puppets: Singing sol-fa puppets
Create your own puppet choir with these fun and colorful paper bag puppets!
Kodaly / Curwen hand signs
  • Kodaly Puppets: Singing sol-fa puppets
Create your own puppet choir with these fun and colorful paper bag puppets!
Kodaly / Curwen hand signs

Product Description

Kodaly Puppets: Singing Paper Bag Puppets with Kodaly / Curwen hand signs

Singing paper bag puppets will bring bags of fun to your music class or choir! 

Use these puppets to introduce new notes, decipher melodies with them, create classroom puppet shows, class videos, or perform with puppets in a concert... oodles of learning opportunities! Perfect for Kodaly programs and children's choirs.

Puppets are extremely motivating to children, and this choir of singing puppets are ready to inspire, delight and enhance your student's learning.

Puppets are singing using Curwen / Kodaly hand signs; each puppet singing a different note. Plain hands are also included in case you simply want singing puppets without sol-fa.

These printable puppet pieces have been designed for use with paper bags sized approximately 6 x 11 inches (lunch bag size). (Paper bags are not included - contains printable puppet pieces only.)

Please note: This set is for classroom and personal use. This is not a clip art product. 

You are welcome to write and sell lesson plans that include ideas for using these puppets, provided a link to this product is included. 

You are also welcome to create teaching videos using these puppets provided credit is given in the video and a link to DancingCrayon.com is included in the video description.

This Kodaly puppet set includes the following puppet pieces:

- Eight color paper bag puppets using hand signs: do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do.
- Alternative spellings for sol (so) and si (ti)
- T-shirt pieces with and without sol-fa labels

- All of the above puppet pieces in black and white

- Eight plain paper bag puppet children (not using Curwen hand signs) in both color and black and white.

This Kodaly puppet set comes in PDF format ready to print out and create your own paper bag puppet choir!

High quality graphics, 300 dpi.

Please note: This set is for classroom and personal use only. This is not a clip art product.



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