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How to Open a Zipped File

About Zip Files:

The standard delivery method for a clip art set is bundling the images into what is called a zipped file or a zipfile.


Zipfiles allow you to download the files more conveniently as they have smaller file sizes (taking less time to download) and the images arrive all in one folder.  This is especially convenient if there are a lot of images in the set.  You don't have to download each one individually.


How to Open a Zip File:

Most modern computers have the ability to unzip files built in.  

On a Mac – the ability to unzip is usually built in.  Simply click on the ZIP file icon and a folder should appear. If this doesn’t work, hold down the control key and click the product file icon. Choose "open with" and then choose "archive utility."

With a PC - this will depend on your operating system. Recent versions of Windows have the ability to unzip files built in. Try right clicking on the zipped folder and look for "Extract" or "Extract All". If these are listed, you don't need to download any additional programs to unzip the file. Just click on "extract" and take note of the location your files are being saved to on your computer.

If this option isn’t available, it’s likely you will need an unzipping program to access the files.  There are several free options available online. 

One free unzipping tool is 7-zip.

WinZip is a popular zipping software - it isn't free, but does have a free trial period.